User Submitted Oddity Sighting: Angel

Name: Nixo Hubbard
Current age: 35
Age at the time of sighting: 16
Date of sighting: Winter of 2004
How many witnesses were present and saw the creature/thing: 4
Geographical location where sighting took place: California, USA
Type of environment you were in at the time of sighting: Inside car, in the desert mountains
Weather at the time of sighting: It was cold and cloudy, and the 2-3 feet of snow had frozen into hard ice.
What you believe the creature/thing was : Angel
Your creature sighting in your own words: “It was daytime, and my mom was driving my siblings and me down the winding mountain road into the city. On one side of the road was a sheer dropoff. On the other was an icy cliff with a pile of hard, icy snow at the base, barely cleared off the road. Our tires skidded on a patch of black ice, and the car started sliding uncontrollably. With only two choices, my mom veered the car towards the cliff so we wouldn't go over the edge of the drop-off.
Our car finally came to a jarring halt with its front end lodged in the icy snow. My mom tried backing us out, but nothing worked. We got out to take in the situation, but our front tires were stuck, and we had nothing to dig through the hard snow with. The air was so frigid we were forced to get back in the car.
There were no other cars on the road. A man appeared out of nowhere and, without speaking to us, dug our car free with his bare hands. Then, before we could even thank him, he vanished.”
Was this your first time witnessing a creature/thing you couldn't explain: No
Have you seen another creature/thing you couldn't explain since this particular sighting: Yes
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
Image Credit: Alan Stark via Flickr Creative Commons

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