User Submitted Cryptid Sighting: Unknown Creature with Glowing Eyes

Name: Name kept private at the request of the witness.
Age: 33
Number of witnesses: 2
Location of Sighting: Close to Alexandria, Ontario
Date of sighting: “Years ago.”
What you believe the creature was: Maybe dogman?
Message: (Please note: the following submittal has been edited for readability by The PBI. The sighting has not changed, it was just reformatted and cleaned up for posting purposes.)
“Hi....I was with my boyfriend on our way back from Alexandria, Ontario and it was late at night as we just left my friends house. While on our way back, we passed alongside a woodsy area, and since it was late, I had my head resting on the window just looking off in the woods .....and that is when I saw it. Now, let me remind you that it was very dark, but even so, I could still see those big yellow eyes and the dark black shadows around them staring out at us. It was standing close to the road, but it was still hidden enough that if you didn’t catch a glimpse of it, you wouldn’t have seen it. It appeared to be sort of crouching down due to how it was shaped, and it was situated about half way between the ditch and forest. Anyways, as soon as I saw those eyes, I knew they were abnormally large. They were far too big to be those of an animal, and they had a strange look about them that made me feel like it could read every secret I had hiding in my soul, almost as if it could read every single thing I was thinking. Instantly I screamed like I have never screamed before in my life. I looked at my boyfriend and he immediately slowed down, but then I screamed for him to continue! I begged for him to press on the accelerator and get us back home. When we got back home, I cried for the rest of the night, because I swear to god if he would of stopped, only god knows what would of happened. This thing I saw wasn’t normal, it was as if it wasn’t even from this world. All I know is that it was something I had never seen before. After I saw it I started to have nightmares and they lasted for years, to this day I try to wrap my head around what it was, but I still have not clue. The only thing I do know is that I still have the image of it in my head, and I know without a doubt that I am not crazy. I saw those eyes and that dark figure that night, and it saw me too.”
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
Image Credit: Google Stock Image

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tags / user submitted cryptid sighting, canada, alexandria, ontario, dogman, werewolf