User Submitted Cryptid Sighting: Sasquatch

Name: Rick Granger
Age: 32
Number of witnesses: 4
Location of Sighting: Pikes Peak, Colorado
Date of sighting: August 4, 2022
What you believe the creature was: Sasquatch
Message: “I was hiking up the peak with my friends, like we'd done so many times before, and we heard a low rumbling sound. The air smelled rotten, as if something had died nearby. We heard a rustling in the bushes and saw a tall brown primate-looking creature run into the woods. We gave chase, but unfortunately we didn't find the strange being. It didn't seem afraid of us, simply afraid of being seen.”
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
Image Credit: Visit Colorado Springs

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tags / user submitted cryptid sighting, pikes peak, colorado, bigfoot, sasquatch