User Submitted (retold) Cryptid Sighting: Bigfoot

Name: Name kept private at request of the submitter.
Age: 37
Number of witnesses: 2
Location of Sighting: Washington County, Pennsylvania
Date of sighting: May 16, 1941
What you believe the creature was: Bigfoot
Message: “Not me but my grandfather, he told me this entire story during a long car ride. He told me that at the time he lived by Washington County, PA, and his house was surrounded by woods. He said he was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend, now my grandmother, and they were waiting for his parents to come back home. They started hearing a roaring sound, and it sounded like a backwards yell. He went and got his old shotgun, and he told my grandmother to stay in the house while he left to see what was making the sound. He said he walked around looking for whatever was making the wired sound, and when he went to the back of the house, he saw a brown gorilla-like thing come out of the woods. He said it took a couple of steps towards him and he raised his shotgun towards it, but kept walking towards him so he pulled the trigger of his double barrel shotgun and the buckshot hit it in the chest. It fell on its back and he said it was bleeding. As he was reloading it managed to stand back up and charged at him in a blind rage. He said it pounded into him and he went flying backwards which made him drop his 12 gauge and he hit his house. He said the second he hit the ground, he went bolting away from it obviously. The thing started chasing him, but he just managed to get back in his house. He said it walked around the house for 2 hours while my grandmother was helping him with his injured back. When his parents came back home, the thing went for them. He said it charged at his parents while they were leaving their car, but his dad seen it and grabbed his rifle out if their car (I'm personally not sure why they had a rifle in there car). His father shot at it a couple of times which caused the beast to run back in the forest with a whole bunch of bullet holes in it. He said it was a 7 foot tall brown gorilla thing that smelled musty and like spoiled meat. He said that they all got really bad brain fog when it was by them, like insanely bad brain fog. I asked my grandmother about it and she said it was true. I'm not sure what to think of it personally.”
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
Image Credit: Dmitry Kostyukov

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tags / user submitted cryptid sighting, bigfoot, washington county, pennsylvania