User Submitted Unknown Sighting: Strange Creature and Ball of Light

Name: Zaya. Last name kept private at the request of the witness.
Age: 24
Number of witnesses: 2
Location of Sighting: Near Abiquiu, New Mexico
Date of sighting: Spring 2019
What you believe the creature was: Unknown (but it brings up thoughts of Wendigos, Skinwalkers, and Aliens)
Message: “I and one other person both did not believe in the paranormal until this night. I would like to preface with that, as well as I grew up in the mountains and am EXTREMELY familiar with all of the wildlife here.
We arrived at our secluded campsite along the river around 5 pm and set up camp with our dog. We had eaten dinner and had just opened a beer each. Only one beer, we were not on drugs or drunk or anything. But I wanted to mention the beer for complete story clarity.
The person I was with was facing the river behind me, while I was facing the road behind him. Suddenly I saw his eyes go wide and I saw something moving behind him. I would like to mention that the dog that was with us is very alert, strong, healthy, and extremely observant, but at this moment she just laid down and looked at the ground.
The movement behind my friend became more apparent and I watched as something ran out of the trees and into the light of the fire. It stopped right in the middle of the road, directly in the firelight, and it looked me right in the eyes. Standing on all fours it was almost as tall as our jeep. It had long, thin legs that ended in more hoofs than feet, its skin was light grey or white, and it had a tiny head for its body size that was completely round with HUGE black holes for eyes. I could see each of its ribs in such detail. It then ran off in a circular path around us.
I looked at my friend and he looked at me, at the same time we both said: "it's time to go to bed". Neither of us told the other what we saw until we were far away from the site the next day. Turns out, behind me floating above the water he saw a HUGE glowing "ball of light" which is how he described it. So we had both seen something behind the other person at the same time. Needless to say, we are now both believers and have been back to that site tons of times to try and investigate. I have dedicated so much of my free time trying to figure out what this thing was that I saw. I would love to have some input about what it was. Please help me figure it out.”
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
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tags / user submitted sighting, new mexico, alien, skinwalker, ball of light, unknown, Abiquiu