User Submitted Cryptid Sighting: Sasquatch
Name: Remain anonymous at the request of the witness.
Age: 21 (currently), 8 at the time of the sighting.
Number of witnesses: 1
Location of Sighting: Mahoney State Park, Nebraska
Date of sighting: June 2009
What you believe the creature was: Sasquatch
Message: “When I was 8ish, I was on a family camping trip at Mahoney State Park. I was playing near the woods with some other kids the day after a big storm that knocked down some trees. I decided to run into the woods and look for the tree that had just fallen down. I found the tree, and I was poking around in the branches. The fallen tree was propped up at an angle, as it had fallen over another tree. I was on the lower angle and I heard a grunting sound. I looked up and saw a tall, hairy creature standing on the raised end of the tree. We locked eyes with it and it grunted again and I ran from it. I told my friends and they said it was just a bear but there are no bears in Nebraska. The creature was about 6-7ft tall, with dark brown hair everywhere except for around the face. It had dark eyes.”
For additional stories of encounters and sightings of the creature collectively known as “Sasquatch,” check out the following links: The Lockridge Monster, The Mogollon Monster, Cole Hollow Road Monster, The Traverspine Gorilla, The Hawley Him, The Monster of ‘76.
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
Image Credit: The Lincoln Journal Star

If you have a sighting to share or a piece of folklore to tell, make sure to get in touch and let us know! Remember: It’s your story, so why not share it in your own words!
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tags / user submitted cryptid sighting, bigfoot, sasquatch, mahoney state park, nebraska