User Submitted Cryptid Sighting: Man-Bat

Name: Remain anonymous at the request of the witness.
Age: 37
Number of witnesses: 1
Location of Sighting: Blair, Wisconsin
Date of sighting: November 2019
What you believe the creature was: Man-Bat
Message: “This sighting took place near Blair, Wi during gun deer season, November 2019. I was riding in the back bed on an ATV at around 5 pm. The evening was cloudy and overcast and it was lightly drizzling. The ATV was being operated by a family friend in his 60’s. While driving through the woods on our way back to our cabin, I was looking into the forest and first noticed a raccoon standing on the ground in a frozen state, and next to it was a huge creature estimated to be approximately 7-8 tall and probably about 200 pounds. The creature was standing upright with its chin up, head tilted slightly back, and eyes open. It was standing under a tree branch using the leaves to block the rain so I was able to get a perfect view of it, and I was probably 10ft away from it.
The creature was human-like in body structure yet extremely muscular. It was built like an NFL running back. Huge muscular legs, super-strong abdominal muscles, 8 pack, very broad shoulders, and huge biceps. Its feet were human-like, with 5 toes on each foot with giant black claw-like feet. Its entire body was dark black and hairless. It had leathery-looking skin. Its head looked like that of a fruit bat and on its back was a set of huge wings, dark leather color like a huge bat. The wings were closed on its back yet where the full length of its body. So if extended I would estimate a wingspan of 12 feet.
It looked intimidating yet I don’t think it would have attacked me if I would have approached it. Like I stated I was very close to it and it did not seem to be threatened by our presence. The entire encounter took about 2 minutes. I noticed it yet did not mention it to my friend operating the ATV since the ATV was loud and I was too far back to get his attention.
I never saw the creature again yet have thought about that sighting ever since. I am glad I found this site in order to share my experience.”
[Note: The PBI did reach out to the witness to get some clarification regarding some statements made concerning the overall appearance of the creature seen, but those attempts did not yield any response. Thus, everything we have to go on regarding this particular sighting is provided above.]
For additional stories of encounters and sightings of the creature known as “The Man-Bat,” check out the following links: The Wisconsin Man-Bat, Unknown Flying Humanoid.
Along with this, since this creature has a strong resemblance to the creature known as “The Lake Michigan Mothman,” please check out the official timeline of “LMM” sightings researched and compiled by The Singular Fortean Society.
“User Submitted” articles are shared by actual witnesses and posted without edits. The purpose is not to try and explain or prove/disprove the events which the witness experienced above, but allow them to share their story as a way for others to become knowledgeable on the strange subjects within our weird world. The PBI makes no claim on the validity of the encounter above, but allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself.
-The Pine Barrens Institute
Image Credit: Deviant Art - Hidarime Images

If you have a sighting to share or a piece of folklore to tell, make sure to get in touch and let us know! Remember: It’s your story, so why not share it in your own words!
Want more strange stories in your life? If the answer is yes, then make sure to check out our books ‘Monsters In Print: A Collection Of Curious Creatures Known Mostly From Newspapers’ and ‘Ghosts In Print: An Assemblage of Spirits, Spooks, and Specters From Newspapers of Old’, both available from Amazon!
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tags / user submitted cryptid sighting, blair, wisconsin, man-bat, Lake Michigan Mothman