Historic Cryptid Headline: December 15, 1911 - Fighting Monster Of The Deep Pursues Ship

East Oregonian
December 15, 1911
Houston, Texas. - An unknown monster of the deep, forty feet in length, copper colored and with a head over 15 feet in width, for four days and nights played tag with the fishing schooner Mendocino and when the schooner failed to respond, vainly tried to push it out of the sea.
The fish appeared the second day out, coming to the surface about a half mile astern of the Mendocino and all of the day it could be seen leisurely trailing the vessel, rolling over and disporting itself as it kept pace with the ship.
For three days the fish kept astern of the vessel when it decided to perfect a closer acquaintance. Putting on speed it came abreast of the ship and started some antics which caused no little concern aboard the ship. Running along side it would scrape itself against the side of the vessel, scoot ahead and then roll and lay on its back until the vessel caught up. Then it would dive under the vessel or swim around it as if in play.
Evidently the fish became disgusted over the failure of the vessel to play and planned a fight. The watching sailors suddenly saw the fish, sweeping leisurely astern, suddenly disappear. A minute later the vessel shook from stern to stern as though hitting a rock. It keeled a little, but righted itself as the fish came to view at its side. Diving again and again the fish jammed its blunt nose on the bottom of the vessel, the result being only a tremor.
Failing to make the vessel play or fight the fish rose to the surface and with a mighty slap of its tail on the water sank from view. A few moments later it was sighted a mile astern, swimming from the ship. That was the last seen of it.
The monster evidently was well along in years for it was covered with barnacles some as large as a saucer. Revolver and rifle balls fired from the deck of the Mendocino at close range had no effect.
“Historic Cryptid Headlines” showcases actual articles involving cryptids that were published within United States newspapers back in the 1800s-1900s. The articles posted here are written exactly as they appeared during their original publishing date.
-The Pine Barrens Institute

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