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Historic Cryptid Headline: June 10, 1874 - The Bear Lake Monster

Watertown Republican

June 10, 1874

“The Bear Lake Monster”

By the courtesy of President Brigham Young, we are enabled to print the following letter, which from the known veracity of its writer, is sufficient to extinguish all doubts as to the existence of the monster which has so long been supposed to inhabit the water of Bear Lake, Rich county:

Paris, Oneida County, Idaho, May 18, 1874, President Brigham Young:

Dear Brother – Last Friday morning, May 15, on our return from Conference, William Broomhead, Mirando Pratt and myself were in a light wagon traveling northward by the lake shore when our attention was attracted to an object in the water about 100 yards ahead of us and about twenty five yards from the shore. At first sight we though it might be a very large duck, as we distinctly saw ducks nearer the shore, but as we got near we saw that it was an animal, the head and a portion of the back about a foot from the head being visible, leaving also about the space of a foot between the back part of the head and the beginning of the back where the animal was not visible, the invisible part no doubt being the neck. When we were within about seventy yards, the animal dived under the water, and from its action we judged it was not more than 5 or 6 feet long; still we did not see its length. When it went down we stopped our wagon and waited, hoping it would come up again, which it did in perhaps about a minute a little behind us and probably twenty five yards from us. Its face and part of its head were distinctly seen, covered with fur, or short hair of a light snuff color. The face of the animal was apparently flat, very wide between the eyes, and tapering to the nose, with very full, large eyes, and prominent ears, resembling those of a horse, but scarcely as long. The whole face, in shape, was like that of a fox, but so large that the space between the eyes equaled that of the distance between the eyes of a common cow. It did not look ferocious, and was in no hurry to go, but kept moving slowly, then diving again, came up and moved off into the lake as fast as a man could walk.

As there has been considerable interest evinced in regard to the “Bear Lake Monster” I submit a description of what we have seen, thinking it might be acceptable to you.

Very respectfully, WM Budge.

“Historic Cryptid Headlines” showcases actual articles involving cryptids that were published within United States newspapers back in the 1800’s-1900’s. The articles posted here are written exactly as they appeared during their original publishing date.

-The Pine Barrens Institute

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