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Historic Cryptid Headline: November 24, 1916 - Battle With Giant Eagles

The Mukwonago Chief

November 24, 1916

“Battle With Giant Eagles”

California Deer Hunters Had Fierce Fight Before Overcoming Two Monarchs Of The Air

Attacked by two monster eagles while deer hunting in the Malibu district, Doctor Kingsbury of Ocean Park, G.M. Wilson, a rancher, and Policeman Harry Wright of Santa Monica, fought two hours before they were able to kill the birds, writes a Los Angeles correspondent.

Shrieking and screaming, the eagles tore at the men with their claws, tearing Wright’s clothing in many places and inflicting a flesh wound on Kingsbury’s right shoulder.

The fight began with only one of the birds. Then men were hunting on the Williams ranch with two dogs. Suddenly a huge eagle swooped down and grabbed one of the dogs. It circled 20 feet in the air with the dog in its talons before the men could fire. The first shot missed, but the second shot from Kingsbury’s gun brought the bird down.

As the three men rushed forward, the eagle dropped the dog and struck out at Wright, screaming all the while. Its screams brought its mate, the latter making an attack on Kingsbury and sinking its talons into his shoulder.

Williams shot and killed the bird that was fighting with Wright and then the two rushed the remaining eagle. It started to fly away and then came back. The men began shooting at it, driving it a little further away with each shot. For four miles they chased the bird before finally killing it.

“Historic Cryptid Headlines” showcases actual articles involving cryptids that were published within United States newspapers back in the 1800’s-1900’s. The articles posted here are written exactly as they appeared during their original publishing date.

-The Pine Barrens Institute

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