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Cryptid Profile: Old Yellow Top

In 1906, a creature showed up in Cobalt, Ontario, Canada that would go on to become legendary. The mysterious hairy hominid was reported to stand between 7 – 8ft tall, appeared to weigh almost 400lbs, was covered in dark brown almost black hair, and walked upright. The creature also had what appeared to be yellowish blonde hair on the top of its head. It was this feature that gave the creature its name; Yellow Top.

The first reported sighting of Yellow Top took place in September of 1906. A group of workers building the framework of the Violet Mine (east of Cobalt) sighted a creature walking on two legs near the mine. Throughout the entire construction of the mine, the creature continued to be seen in the distance as well as relatively close to the work area. The men never reported the creature as being angry or territorial, but that it appeared to be as curious as them and would often watch their work from a safe distance away. A considerable amount of time passed until the next sighting, almost twenty years later (17 to be specific) in 1923.

In 1923, two prospectors up around the surrounding Cobalt area were working in the woods when they came upon what they believed was a bear. The “bear” was crouched down around a bush eating blueberries with its back to the two men. In an effort to scare the unknown creature away, one of the men decided to throw a large rock at it. After getting hit in the back with the rock, the docile creature immediately stood up on its two legs, turned towards the men, walked forward a bit as if to view the two men better and then turned to walk away. The prospectors described the unknown creature as being completely covered in black hair, but with yellowish hair adorning the top of its head. The creature was believed to be what the men assumed was an adult.

It was after these first few reported sightings that Yellow Top was becoming well known around the area. The next  sighting occurred in 1947 by a woman and her child. The woman reported seeing the creature walking along the edge of the forest towards Lake Gillies in Ontario. It is believed at this point that the creatures age had to roughly be around 40+ years old.

The final (and largest) sighting would take place in 1970 and Yellow Top would be witnessed by 28 people. One day during 1970, a bus driver was shuttling 27 miners to their work site when much older Yellow Top crossed the road directly in front of the bus. His crossing caused the driver to suddenly hit the brakes so as to avoid hitting the creature. The bus driver (who stated that he was originally not a believer in Yellow Top) stated that at first he thought the creature in the road was a bear, but he quickly realized his error as he watched the creature walk effortlessly and smoothly on two legs. The bus driver as well as the men on board all described the same creature; a very large animal that looked almost like a man that was covered entirely in blackish gray hair, and a head covered in yellowish white hair that went down to its shoulders. This final sighting would make the age of the creature now known as Old Yellow Top at around 60+ years old.

It is believed that relatively soon after this sighting, Old Yellow Top passed away due to old age as he was never seen again.

-The Pine Barrens Institute

*Image Credit: Google