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Cryptid Profile: J'ba Fofi

The J'ba Fofi (pronounced ch-bah foo fee and translates to “giant spider”) is a cryptid that is said to make its home in the Congo. The spider first gained recognition in 1938 with a sighting made by married couple Reginald and Margurite Lloyd. 

The couple was trekking through the region of the Congo when a creature ran out from beneath the brush and across the road in front of them. They immediately stopped their truck to avoid hitting what they originally thought was one of the many known large jungle animals residing in the forest all around them, but they quickly realized they were wrong. They became aware that the unknown animal actually resembled a giant tarantula, but one that had a 4-5ft leg span. Frightened, Margurite ordered Reginald to immediately speed down the road and back to their home.

The J'ba Fofi is described as looking almost exactly like a normal tarantula, except a giant version. The full grown adults are covered in a fine dark brown hair and have 8 legs that span the distance of 6ft (this means they are able to stand at least 5ft tall if they stand with their legs together). The eggs of the J'ba Fofi are reported as being the size of walnuts and shaped almost like peapod. The hatchlings are described as being bright yellow in color with a dull purple abdomen. As they age, they take on the brown color. Their fangs possess a highly potent venom.

Baka Natives say that the J'ba Fofi spin giant webs between two trees and dig a burrow directly underneath which it then covers with leaves and other forest debris and waits for prey to pass by. Their main source of food is said to be forest antelope (the bongo and the duiker), birds, and other small to medium game. Natives also talk of unfortunate tribesmen who have gotten caught in the thick webs only to become devoured by the spider laying in wait in the burrow below.

Giant Spider sightings are not confined to the Congo only. Sightings of gigantic arachnids are reported from all over the world and continue into modern times. The most recent sighting of a giant spider took place in 2013 in Missouri, USA.

-The Pine Barrens Institute

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