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User Submitted Sighting: Unexplained Anomalous Sky Object

Name: [Kept anonymous at the request of the witness.]

Age: 27

Number of witnesses: 3

Location of sighting: Czech Republic, area between Velký Újezd and town of Mělník

Date of sighting: 1999, Autumn, and before and after

What you believe the creature was: Something technical in nature, we all think so; in other cases often biological, but even more obviously technical

Message: “Hello, I'm sorry for bothering you, especially when you are studying Pine Barrens area, which is far away, but me, my friends and family, we met strange things for several times and I don't know who to write. I'm afraid of my public image and family's, because we are working in scientific areas including medicine. When I tried to write it to someone, and explain as whole, all experiences, I never received answer and a bad article about me was published. I deeply wish to remain anonymous, but as a scientist I must share my observations. We must.

Our first group observation of something unusual was, when a giant (in magnitude levels of astronomy) orange orb was "observing us" and "hunting us" with impossible maneuvres, especially if it was in atmosphere, as it seemed. I was with mum and dad, we were returning from our summer house through Mělník to Prague and strange star appeared in the sky, where nothing such shall be. We have noticed it. Then it "came closer" and was fixed on us, we were more and more scared and anxious. It was so strange. We know aircrafts, technology around the Earth and possibilities of the physics. This seemed to be under intelligent control, did strong, sharp angular moves and was really like a hunter and we were the prey. It seemed to be really close, but we of course did no triangulation or measurements. My dad tried to run as quickly to the Mělník and on the borders of town area, it dissapeared. It did no noise. It was just shinning ball moving outside of logical ways according to Newtonian physics in gasses. This shallow and short description can't catch it fully. This is just one of several very strange experiences our familly had since 1960's or earlier. I'm a skeptical, rational person and I had big problems with this.

I found you, because I have read a lot about the Pine Barrens area. I'm sorry for sending you such out of place thing, but I don't know anyone else, who seems serious. Please, cover my name and identity, it would destroy my life and damage my relatives. There are many experiences and I have usually kept records of the things. When I tried to write to someone, I said myself, it sounds too crazy and stopped, because I would be dismissed as a liar and psychotic person. I have talked with professionals and despite a neurosis, I'm not having any form of psychosis. And medical professionals are among the witnesses. I'm afraid, lost and I wish to say it all. I believe it is worth of mentioning in the name of empiric view.

With best regards [anonymous], Prague, 26.02.2020, I'm again sorry I was bothering you.”

First and foremost, thank you [anonymous] for contacting us! Please do not feel you are bothering us in any way by sharing your sighting. It can take a lot of courage for a witness to come forward and tell people about what they saw, especially when what they saw involves something they cannot explain. We judge in no way and simply want to be a trustworthy and reliable place in which individuals feel they can share their experiences.

Now, with that said, I am at a complete loss as to what you saw that night back in 1999. It was obviously some sort of anomalous object not often seen, but whether it was intelligent on its own, powered by a separate intelligence, or controlled by some other means, that we cannot say. Issues such as these, the ones that could fall within the realm of UFOlogy or something more supernatural, tend to open up such a wide umbrella in which many unusual things could be grouped together and intertwined underneath that we can’t even begin to understand. Because of this, settling on a definite (or at least a somewhat solid) answer is extremely difficult, especially in unique sightings such as yours.

I know this is most likely not the answer you were hoping for, but we believe in honesty here at The PBI, and honestly, we have zero ideas of what this thing could be. Perhaps though by sharing your sighting and putting it out there for others to see, it will help another witness rationalize their own experience or perhaps even provide necessary evidence needed to help solve another mystery. You may have just helped someone else simply because you took the first step to reach out and tell someone, and that is truly admirable.

Again, thank you [anonymous] for reaching out to us in order to help share your story. We truly hope that one day your mystery is solved and you and your family can understand exactly what you saw. Also, if any updates are made to this sighting in your neck of the woods, or you finally discover the answers you are looking for, please let us know right away!

-The Pine Barrens Institute

Image Credit: European Space Agency

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